Tackling Racism

Sports are so much more than what numbers appear on a scoreboard or whose jerseys are the most flashy. Sports are about overcoming struggles on and off the field and uniting different groups of people. The Oklahoma Sooners football team was the epitome of this on March 12, 2015. Instead of practicing the team held a silent protest in response to a video full of racism demonstrated by a fraternity that went viral.

ou-football-protestThe players took the field adorned in all black and stood arm in arm silently for some time before speaking with the media. The video they are protesting included racial slurs, and mentions of lynching and not allowing african americans into their fraternity. SAE, the fraternity involved, has had the two members most prominent in the video expelled and their house on campus has officially been closed. The team feels that these types of incidents occur too often all across our nation and hope their protest forces our country to address it.  AP_oklahoma_football_protest_jef_150312_16x9_992

Throughout history athletes have used their spotlight and bodies to make statements and send messages. The team has accepted an apology delivered from SAE but wants there to be accountability. Accountability certainly is not too much to ask for, it is now 2015 and enough is enough.

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